We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options. 

Senior Assist 

"It's Your Move...Choose Wisely"


Medicare is health insurance for individuals:

     -65 years and older

      - Under 65 with certain disabilities

Medicare is administered by the government agency called the 
                                     Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 

CMS = is a Federal Government agency and NOTconnected to private insurance companies!

There are 4 parts of Medicare:

     Part A - Hospital insurance

                        - Hospital - Inpatient

                        - Skilled Nursing Facilities

                        - Home Health Care

         *Most people do not have to pay for Part A


     Part B- Medical insurance

                            -Doctor's visits

                      - Outpatient hospital services

                      - Clinical lab tests

                      - Preventive services

            *You will pay a monthly premium for Part B

*Basic Medicare (Parts A & B) comes directly from the GOVERNMENT

      Part C - Medicare Advantage Plans

                    - Requires participation in Medicare Part A & B

                  - HMOs and PPOs

                            HMOs - Health Managed Organization - very restrictive area of medical services

                                    PPOs - Preferred Provider Organization - less restrictive area of medical services

                             - It may include Part D prescription coverage

                             - High exposure to out-of-pocket risk

                       - Offered by private insurance companies, but ultimately regulated and subsidized by CMS 

       Part D - Part D Prescription Drug Plans

                            - Requires participation in Medicare

                      - Medicare prescription drug coverage

                      - A "stand alone" insurance policy offered by private insurance companies

                      - Regulated by CMS

                      - CMS will impose a monetary penalty for not participating in a Part D plan when eligible

              *You will pay a monthly premium for a "stand alone" prescription drug plan (PDP)

*Parts C & D are purchased and issued through private insurance companies, but are regulated by the Federal Government (CMS)

*Senior Assist will help you determine if a Part C Medicare Advantage Plan is your best option of coverage. We will also aid in your search for a Part D Prescription Drug Plan, if needed.