"It's Your Move...Choose Wisely"

Senior Assist 


Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans used to be called "Medi-Gap" plans. They were first implemented by the federal government in 1966 and have remained virtually unchanged in their content since that time, with few exceptions.

Basic Medicare (Parts A & B), essentially, is an 80-20% government health plan.  Meaning, Medicare will pay their portion (approximately 80%) and you assume the approximate remaining 20% out-of-pocket. This may seem insignificant with a small medical bill. However, if faced with a large medical bill, your out-of-pocket expense can be extremely high. That is your "risk" in paying medical expenses. Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans are meant to manage that risk for you!

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans are "stand alone" policies to work in conjunction with Basic Medicare Parts A & B. You purchase the plans through private insurance companies, even though they are developed and regulated by CMS. You will pay a determined monthly premium for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan.

READ THIS NEXT PART CAREFULLY!! Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans were created by CMS. Regardless of what Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan a private insurance company chooses to offer to the public, they all must contain the same coverage as determined by CMS. What insurance companies CAN do is charge you whatever monthly premium you are willing to pay!

After Medicare determines a medical claim is covered, Medicare then pays their portion of the medical claim. Whatever portion is remaining, Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans either pay a portion of or the entire remaining amount, depending on what type of Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan you purchase.

There are several Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans to choose from. The most popular PLANS are the "N", "G" and "F", with the "F" being the most comprehensive supplement coverage (total risk management). For these PLANS, you will pay a monthly premium. The better the coverage, the higher the premium.

Remember...Basic Medicare is your PRIMARY health coverage and a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan becomes your secondary coverage.

Senior Assist represents multiple Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan companies. This allows you an independent choice of what Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan is the best value for you. Example: a PLAN "F" is the same coverage from "Company A" as it is from "Company Z". However, "Company A" may charge one monthly premium amount while another charges a different monthly premium. Senior Assist will help you determine the best Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan to fit your needs and budget.